Wednesday, 9 September 2015



Like stars in outer space
which caresses lustrous nature
& soothes darken hallows,
let me cuddle the simplicity of your passion.

Like the biblical Samaritan
who shared his love balm
with an anonymous persona.
Let me gladden your innocence with care.
Like a bottle which confines aqua
preventing its spree of beauty to ungodly Niles.
Let me just have you as thoughts in my head.

I know I have defiled our creed:
raping the nudity of your patience.
I know I’m an embodiment of pride;
lampooning your love on the altar of indifference

Please just give me this chance
to thread this tear, love.
For without you I’m a walking corpse awaiting damnation.

                                                                                                           BY Ajise Vincent  

